Brazil: Some People Homeless After Heavy Rains
Last updated on January 15th, 2022 at 05:31 am
Heavy rains lashed the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais relentlessly for the past two weeks. Heavy rain over the past two months has also affected dozens of cities and left thousands homeless across Brazil.
Several Brazilian states are suffering from floods. The Rain-swollen Paraopeba River has flooded a village in Brazil and left many people homeless again. Some people of the Pataxo-Hahahae tribe took shelter in a local school as they had no other place to live. Pataxo-Hahahae tribe are the indigenous people of Brazil.
Chief Sucupira Patax-Hahahae said that they lost houses, bathrooms, and furniture because of the flood. He added, “There’s no way we can live there anymore. We have a lot of kids.”
Landslides and floods in Minas Gerais
In just the past two weeks, landslides and floods in the state of Minas Gerais reportedly injured many people. It led dams to overflow and flooding towns and roads. The rains intensified over the weekend, causing major flooding and landslides. Several rivers in the Minas Gerais state are overflowing because of the large amount of rainfall. Reportedly, there is a danger that some dams may overflow.
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Pataxo-Hahahae tribe
Earlier, a dam collapsed at a mine near Brumadinho. It affected the lifestyle of the Pataxo-Hahahae tribe. However, no Pataxo-Hahahae died in the disaster. At that time, the village had 80 residents. They had to uproot their existence and move to safer ground 30 meters away from the river. Now, they are facing problems again due to heavy rainfall and floods.
Reportedly, more than 28,000 people have had to leave their homes across the country due to heavy rainfall. Brazil’s mining agency said 36 mining dams were in a state of emergency in the state. In the last two months, heavy rains have extensively affected the north-eastern state of Bahia.