Sweden king attacks the Government on coronavirus crisis
Last updated on December 21st, 2020 at 05:27 am
Sweden king attacks the Government: In Stockholm, it is not to exclude that Crown Princess Victoria, second child Madeleine, and Prince Carl Phillip, all modern digital and global young people, full of social sensitivity, have inspired their father. But the seriousness of the blow taken by Löfvén is all there: the opposition is demanding his resignation. In a press conference, the premier can’t do anything else than embarrassed agree with his Majesty. Neither he nor any minister will fall, while in the country that has chosen a no lockdown and laissez-faire policy against Covid-19, infected and dead continue to increase.
“This 2020 has been a terrible year the government has failed in the coronavirus strategy. We have all failed. The Swedish people have had a very high number of deaths as a result of this and have suffered terribly,” the 74-year-old ruler said in a televised speech to the nation. He spoke gravely, like if Sweden, at peace for over 200 years, had suddenly entered the war.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe, Sweden, one of the most postmodern and organized countries in Europe, has refused any lockdown and left public places open and public transport without the obligation of mask, focusing on the sense of responsibility of citizens. The result has been and continues to be devastating: over 7800 deaths per 10 million inhabitants, that is double that in Germany with 80 million, overcrowded emergency wards, fears even for pregnant women. The whole “Tsar of public health,” the epidemiologist Ander Tegnell, supported by Löfvén, decided.
It had never happened in the 20th century, or until today, that a Swedish monarch attacks the government in office because the king or queen in modern and contemporary Sweden is symbolic representative figures of national unity, and politics leave it to the parties. It had never happened until today, because the coronavirus drama prompted Charles XVI Gustavo to condemn the minority executive headed by the Social Democratic Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén with unprecedented harshness.
According to Worldometer, from the beginning of the pandemic, Sweden recorded 367,120 covid-19 cases and nearly 8,000 deaths, twenty only yesterday. The king also confessed his fears, speaking with dignity and a human face. When asked if at the age of 74 he feels particularly in danger, he calmly replied: “The virus, due to this bankruptcy policy, has become closer to everyone every day, including me.”