Why Trump has suddenly retracted from Oil Digging Projects at Home?
Last updated on March 10th, 2023 at 11:02 am
The American president Donald Trump has suddenly retracted from his previous commitment of allowing drilling activity in on parts of Florida’s, South Carolina’s, and Georgia’s coast.
This has left even the congressional aides, lobbyists, and industry officials surprised and taken aback who were awaited to go ahead with the drilling formalities, most probably post elections. But the recent moratorium comes as a contradiction to everything Trump has been vouching for.
But the stance might have just left Florida’s Governor Rick Scott a little happy at this time. Years ago, when Trump had shown intentions of opening drilling in Florida, as a Republican, Scott had been a staunch opponent of the plan, citing his state’s strong tourism industry. Even his successor, Senator Marco Rubio, also a Republican, remains to be a fierce opponent to opening up these areas to oil drilling as well. Rick Scott now serves as a Senator.
In 2018, Florida residents had mixed emotions about drilling formalities. More than 50 percent weren’t in favour then. But White House might just have understood the one thing just in time; that the Florida state votes will (probably) swing towards an anti-coastal drilling.
So while Trump trends on dangerous grounds before reaching to his election day, he will need to tread ahead carefully. The sentiment over self reliance is running strong in America. More than 80 percent people according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report feels the future of America will be secure if the nation can depend on its own resources of natural gas and oil.
The Middle East dependency isn’t looking attractive to anyone. The new government representative will have to ensure he can keep the sentiment in place, unless Trump wants to play again the good poster boy who works in favour of energy lobby. In 2018, Trump kept his promise of Energy independence when America could export oil and natural gas for the first time in 75 years. Hopefully, he will be able to adhere to the sentiment of the public if he comes to power again.
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