Study: Breast cancer more aggressively predominant among black women
Researchers in the United States have found there is a genetic link between people with African ancestry and an aggressive type of breast cancer, making them more vulnerable and predisposed to the cancer. The researchers have expressed their hope that the findings will encourage more black people will get involved in clinical trials in order to improve the survival rates of people struggling with the disease.
Laverne led a healthy lifestyle. She exercised regularly and ate well but the diagnosis she received blew her mind. “They just told me I had a breast cancer”, she says. “Most people that I know that had cancer didn’t survive so, of course, I was devastated and very scared.” Laverne was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC).
TNBS is a less common type of the breast cancer but is known to grow quickly and is more likely to spread, more likely to return and has the worst survival outcome out of all breast cancers. This is because it lacks three types of receptors that are found in other forms of breast cancer. Moreover, the drugs that work for them have no desirable impact on TNBC.
Keep Reading
A study that has been published in the journal JAMA Oncology has found that black women diagnosed with TNBC are 28 per cent more likely to succumb to the disease than the white women who have the same diagnosis.
This is the right time to know about the simple at home tips to check for the breasts.
- Relax – know what’s normal for you and check your breasts once a month
- The best time to check is in the shower with soapy hands
- Take a good look in the mirror beforehand and look for any obvious lumps, skin changes, nipple changes or discharge
- Remember to check your armpits
- Be aware that young women especially can have lumpy breasts which are entirely normal
- Breasts can change depending on menstrual cycle but if a lump persists for more than one cycle, see your GP
- Know your family history. There will be a stronger suspicion if there are many cases of breast or ovarian cancer in the family (both mother’s and father’s sides)