Macron Led EU Geopolitical Commission An Ambitious Start
Last updated on December 21st, 2020 at 05:28 am
Macron Led EU: What demarcates good leadership with leadership is the perspective towards geopolitical balances- is a thought that comes out of the latest development in the European Union where the European Commission has decided to establish a dedicated Geopolitical Commission.
Under the able leadership of one of the most respected leaders of her times, Ursula von der Leyen has outlined six political priorities that would shape the working programme of the European Commission over the next five years. Establishing a GC is one of them.
She made an announcement in the European Parliament in July and November 2019, as the world was still unaware of the pandemic that would transform the coming year. Going ahead, the trans-Atlantic dynamics seem to be in choppy waters. The EU is well aware of it and does not think it would be appropriate anymore to remain a bystander to the messed up geopolitical equations.
It is with this mind the Emmanuel Macron, the French President is jumping-in, to broker a level playing ground when it comes to the Eastern Mediterranean crises. He has been the most important driving force behind this change. Speaking over the need of a geopolitical commission, Macron mentioned in open press last year that the key to his vision was the idea that the EU must become a political and strategic player with one voice and one purpose, first in its own neighborhood and then in the world.
There has been unpleasantness between Greece, Turkey and Cyprus over the rights to resources in the Eastern Mediterranean for a long time. While the US tends to take advantage of such situations, the EU would like to manage the geopolitical leadership by supplementing with a wiser leader who can oversee a truce.
However, this intervention is being looked as a ‘selfish leadership’ and might undermine EU’s stance after all. It might also lead to friction between Berlin and Paris, leave alone push EU away from the rest of the world.
Looking at the transitional leadership period that EU nations are themselves going through, it makes sense for Macron to lead the show and win some brownie points back home. His credibility has been questioned over the last few decisions he has taken, making his leadership shaky in Paris.