Chinese ambassador summoned to state department after statements by Chinese Foreign Ministry on coronavirus
Last updated on February 23rd, 2023 at 10:34 am
Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai was called to the State Department because of the words of an official spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry that American troops could bring a new coronavirus to Wuhan (the administrative center of Hubei Province).
He was called in due to what the representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said regarding COVID-19 [a disease caused by coronavirus.
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Earlier, Zhao Lijian, the spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, published a message on his Twitter page suggesting that “the coronavirus got to Wuhan through the fault of the US military.” However, the diplomat did not specify exactly how they delivered him there.
In this regard, the South China Morning Post on Friday clarified that the presence of American troops in China could be associated with the VII World Summer Military Games in Wuhan. In these competitions, held from October 18 to 27, the military took part from more than 100 countries, including the United States. According to the same publication, the first case of coronavirus infection in the China was recorded on November 17, 2019 in a 55-year-old resident of Hubei.
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In turn, another representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Geng Shuang, commenting on the statements of his colleague, said that one should not rush to conclusions regarding the origin of coronavirus, stressing that this issue requires professional scientific study.
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