India will soon overtake China as the world’s most populous country
The Republic of India will soon overtake China as the most populous country in the world, according to demographers. United Nations officials say India is now overtaking China to become the world’s most populous country.
According to United Nations experts, India can exceed China’s gradually shrinking population this month or in July. Reportedly, India’s most populous city is New Delhi and the second most populous city is Mumbai. Kolkata is also one of India’s largest and most populous cities. Bengaluru, often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of India”, also has a population of around 12 million people. However, China’s population, which peaked at 1.42 billion in 2021, has started declining. China’s fertility rate is declining, and people want to have fewer children.
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China has an ageing population, and India has a much younger population. India has more babies born each year, while China has more deaths each year than birth, according to Dudley Poston, Jr., an emeritus professor of sociology at Texas A&M University. According to Pew Research, over 40% of India’s population is under the age of 25. The other two most populous countries – China and the United States – have ageing populations.
According to UN experts, China has been the world’s most populous country since 1950. The total population of the world recently surpassed 8 billion. UN experts claim that now India can take this spot.
When India gained independence from the Britishers in 1947, Indian political leaders took measures to curb birthrates because there were around six children per woman. In 1952, leaders asked people to only have two children. Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi launched the campaign “hum do, hamare do” to ensure that the couple had only two children. However, some people still choose three children. India and China currently have around 1.4 billion people. Can India overtake China as the world’s most populous country?