US defence secretary rejects plea deal for 9/11 mastermind, puts death penalty back on the table
Defence Secretary Llyod Austin had rejected the military prosecutors plea regarding the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks and his two accomplices. “Effective immediately, I hereby withdraw your authority in the above case to enter pre-trial agreement and reserve the right to myself”, Austin wrote to retired Brigadier General Susan K Esceallier.
The announcement came after Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and his top two lieutenants agreed to plead guilty in exchange for removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment, according to a letter sent by the Ministry of Defence to the victims’ families. The Department of Defence disclosed its Office of Military Commissions was working on a plea deal that would spare the three convicts from the death penalty in August 2023.
The sudden turnabout late friday was made but got a mixed response from those who have lost their family members in the deadly terrorist attack on the D-Day.
Muhammad has been jailed for a span of two decades now without any formal prison sentences in the Guantanamo Prison Complex and is considered to be the mastermind behind the 26/11 attacks on the WTC. The plea would have given him and his two al qaeda associates life sentences and leave them from the death penalty but now it seems that has taken a turn.
The three men agreed to plead guilty to the court and take the charge of murder of 2976 people. Muhammad being the mastermind, his other assistants Walid Bin Attash and Mustafa Al Hawasawi have also entered the plea agreements according to the DOD.
Under the now void plea deal, the 3 were scheduled to be sentenced by a panel of military officers in the Summer of 2025. Khalid Mohammed is the principal architect of New York’s World Trade Centre assault alongside the Pentagon that is situated just outside Washington.