Joint Statement by Cyprus, Greece, and Egypt angers the Turkish Foreign Ministry
Turkey already having disagreements and conflicts with Greece, Cyprus, and Egypt, however adding on to the already sour relationship, a joint statement by Cyprus, Greece, and Egypt was announced on Thursday, denouncing Turkish activities in northern Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean. However, Turkey’s foreign ministry has dismissed the joint statement.
On Thursday, the ministry stated that it “harshly denounces the declaration bearing outlandish allegations and claims.”
The Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, and the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis urged Ankara to stop its infuriating activities in the eastern Mediterranean during a trilateral regional summit in Nicosia on Wednesday.
The joint statement also pressed Turkey to acknowledge Cyprus’ invitation to negotiate for an agreement about the maritime border. Greece and Cyprus have consented to a maritime border with Egypt while rejecting a similar agreement that Ankara marked with Libya’s Tripoli-based government.
The joint declaration attacked Ankara as opposed to supporting harmony and strength in the region, Turkey’s foreign ministry stated.
It rehashed that Turkey’s position and cooperation could only occur with the inclusion of Turkish Cypriots in the war-partitioned island.
According to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Deputy Prime Ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The political answer for being found to the Cyprus issue is the key factor to ensure the rights and interests of the Turkish Cypriots and Turkey on the Island and to add these rights on a strong foundation. Continuation of the solid and autonomous presence of the Turkish Cypiots is an absolute necessity to arrive at a final decision, and the relations between the TRNC and Turkey are composed likewise.
“We will proceed with confidence to save and protect our privileges and the rights of Turkish Cypriots in the eastern Mediterranean.”
Relations between the two nations have further exacerbated this year. In February, Turkey had allowed an enormous number of migrants to cross the fringe into Greece and the European Union, enraging the latter.
For quite a while, Greece and Turkey have contrasted over rights on the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, which is enriched in gas and oil deposits.
Turkey and Greece have twice disagreed throughout the last weeks – first when Turkey changed the prominent 1,500-year-old Hagia Sophia from a museum into a mosque, and later over the opportunity to explore hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean sea.
The summit occurred amid high strains between NATO allies Turkey and Greece over oceanic fringes and energy rights, The Associated Press detailed.
Greece and Cyprus have consented to the maritime border treaty with Egypt, while Turkey has marked a similar agreement with Libya’s Tripoli-based government.