Elite Lineups for the Second Evening of Sanremo 2025
Sanremo 2025 is also known as the “Sanremo Music Festival” is an annual Italian Music contest where both the emerging young artists or the seasoned Italian artists will take part in the contest to showcase their talents by performing original songs in various genres. This event has been segmented into two – Big Artists & Newcomers. The artists will perform their songs before the live audience, and it will be evaluated by both the jury of critics and public televote.
This prestigious event occur from Feb 11, 2025 and will end on Feb 15, 2025. The famous Italian TV personality Carlo Conti alongside Bianca Balti, Cristiano Malgiogilo and Nino Frassica will be hosting the contest. “Sanremo 2025” runs for five nights with a grand finale on Feb 15 and each evening will feature the performance of the subset of artists.
Second Evening – Sanremo 2025
During this second evening, 15 artists will perform which is followed by the ranking of best five performers based on the above mentioned process. Tonight, the New Proposals category will take to the Ariston stage for the first time along with the other four who got selected through Sanremo Giovani which includes Alex Wyse, Maria Tomba, Settembre and the couple Vale LP and Lil Jolie. Today’s event will gleam with the presence of the super guest Damiano David, Carolina Kostner, and the actors – Francesco Del Gaudio, Alessandro Gervasi.
Second Evening Voting Evaluation
- Televoting – 34%
- Press Room, TV and Web Jury – 33%
- Radio Jury – 33%
For the Big the voting evaluations are,
- Televoting – 50%
- Radio Jury – 50%