1,809 victims in Italy. The Pope walking in prayer in the center of Rome
Last updated on February 27th, 2023 at 06:47 am
The number of victims for the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Italy reached 1,809, only yesterday 368 deaths and 175 on Saturday. 2,335 people were healed in Italy after contracting the virus, 369 more than yesterday. More than 20,000 patients have been exceeded: a total of 20,603, an increase of 2,853 compared to Saturday, while the total number of infected people – including victims and the recovered – reached 27,747. The data was provided by the emergency commissioner Angelo Borrelli at a press conference to the Civil Protection’s headquarters. To suffer the most is the north of the country. There are 252 new deaths from coronaviruses in Lombardy, a figure that has never been achieved in the region so far in a single day. Since the beginning of the emergency, the 200 deaths in one day had never been exceeded: yesterday there were 76, while on Wednesday 11 March there were 149, the maximum number of deaths to date. According to the Welfare office of the region, the positive cases to Covid-19 tests are 13,272, plus 1,587, the hospitalized are 4,898, plus 602 compared to yesterday, there is a constant but not exponential growth. In intensive care they increase only by 25, 757 in total, while the deaths are 1,218, with a growth of 252. There were 9924 checks on compliance with the Coronavirus containment measures carried out in Milan yesterday. In 24 hours, the law enforcement officers checked 4,937 people, of these 215 were reported for not having respected the measures – for example, having left the house without reason- while 6 for lying in the self-certification requested by the Interior Minister to go out from their homes.
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“Our priority is to make working in safety doctors, nurses and all health personnel who are working with courage and self-sacrifice, dedicating themselves to this health emergency without saving energy. As a government we are strenuously committed – and I himself through contacts with my counterparts – to provide the protective devices that allow them to work in maximum safety in a very short time” Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said on Sunday in a press conference, while Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio affirmed that “the export of masks, suits and face shields from Germany and France has been unblocked”.
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To manage the emergency, Italian Government has already ordered 3,800 lung ventilators, with an additional 300 available for immediate delivery, and has contracted supplies for over 30 million surgical masks, more than 7 million gloves, over 13 million coveralls, boots, headphones and gowns and for over 390 thousand swabs and more than 260 diagnostic kits corresponding to over 67 thousand tests. On Sunday, Pope Francis left the Vatican and visited walking in the center of the capital Rome the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore to address a prayer to the Virgin, ‘Salus populi Romani’. The pope made a walk in the central Via del Corso on foot, as if on a pilgrimage, before to reach another church, ‘San Marcello al Corso’, to pray for the end of the pandemic.
To concern more now the doctors is the alarm for submerged cases. “There are many sick people, who were not postponed to Covid19’s tests, risking to inflect their families”. A doctor warned speaking to Italian press. The Health Ministry asked doctors to treat patients with Covid-19 symptoms, considering them “positive”, monitoring them, and asking them to stay isolated as required by law, without ask them to make the test. Report them only if they have had certain contacts with an infected person. “But many people don’t even know if they have had contact at risk, and therefore they are spending days and days at home with a fever at 39, with the terror of getting worse” the doctor confirmed. While hospitals in the provinces of Milano, Bergamo and Brescia are collapsing, the cases that emerge are just the tip of the iceberg. The Covid-19 test is now done only to those who go to hospital because it is already serious and in urgent need of intensive care, but there are many cases with more nuanced symptoms that could be affected by the new Chinese virus. So according to the general doctor’s association, the numbers of people sick are therefore not real.
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