Here’s Why Some Eye Care Professionals Do Not Advocate For Waterproof Makeup
Waterproof makeup is cleverly engineered to defy smudging and wear and can be notably challenging to remove, often necessitating vigorous effort.
The struggle of removing a smudge-proof mascara is real and could trigger irritation or even damage to the sensitive eyelashes, as well as redness.
As much as you love makeup that refuses to budge, even through the entire length of Notebook as you ugly cry, your eyes hate it. Here are a few reasons why experts do not advocate for it.
Why Waterproof Makeup Might Be Awful For Your Eyes?
1. Eye Irritation
Prolonged exposure to the constituents in waterproof makeup can engender itching, redness or allergic reactions, particularly if you possess pre-existing eye conditions or sensitive skin.
2. Elevated Risk Of Infections
Waterproof makeup may foster a more favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms, heightening the risk of eye infections such as styes and conjunctivitis.
3. Arduous Removal
Since waterproof makeup is cunningly concocted to withstand water and cling tenaciously to the skin, its application could necessitate vigorous rubbing or harsh makeup removers.
4. Obstructed Oil Glands
Waterproof makeup could obstruct oil glands along the eyelids, disrupting the production of the oily element of tears, eventually causing dry eyes or worsening existing symptoms of dry eye.
Keep Reading
How Can You Protect Your Eyes? Learn 4 Tricks
1. Central to this is the art of gentle yet effective removal. Apply an oil-based makeup remover with a soft cotton pad and avoid excessive rubbing or tugging.
2. Look for makeup specifically labelled as suitable for sensitive eyes, while opting for reputable and high-quality brands that are less likely to contain irritating chemicals.
3. Limit waterproof makeup usage by reserving it for special occasions or when it’s necessary like on a rainy day. Diversifying makeup routines provides eyes with necessary breaks.
4. Ensure you cleanse your face thoroughly at the end of the day and keep the skin around your eyes well-moisturised. Proper cleansing and hydration is key to good skin health.