A heat wave is a period of extremely hot weather in summer. During the summer season, a rise in maximum temperature can affect the lifestyle of the people. As we are nearing the summer, people can face a few common signs of heat exhaustion.
Don’t go out during peak hours. The sun’s rays are most perpendicular to the earth between 10 am and 4 pm. Exposure to direct sun during this time can affect your health.
Wear loose clothes to let your body breathe. Use cotton and linen materials for clothes. Always wear lighter colours to avoid excessive sweating. Dark colour clothes absorb more heat. If you sweat a lot, change your clothes frequently. Make sure to wear full sleeve shirts to avoid getting a tan.
Shower twice a day on hotter days and in summer. Lukewarm water helps to lower your body temperature during summer.
Always stay hydrated. Hydration is important for everyone, especially during the summer season. Drink water at regular intervals. You can also add a few ice cubes. Lemon water is also good for your health. Do not go out after drinking water. At least 7-8 glasses of water are recommended for adults. Hydration is also important for your skin in summer. Apply lightweight moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.
Avoid eating spicy food on hotter days. It can affect the functioning of your internal organs. Spicy food can also make you feel hot.
Put sunscreen all over your body. Use sunscreen with high SPF to protect your face and body. Never skip your sunscreen during summer.
Stay in a well-ventilated room on hotter days. It is beneficial for your body.
These are some tips to get protection against the heat wave.
April 12, 2023 9:18 am
Staff Writer
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