Italy’s coalition government on edge, in danger of losing vote of confidence

Italian coalition government has been witnessing political crisis. The country’s prime minister Giuseppe Conte, who won vote of confidence in… Read More

January 19, 2021

Evading the global trend China’s economy bounces back, faster & harder than pre-pandemic

It’s been a little over a year that coronavirus pandemic clawed China and started spreading across the country and beyond.… Read More

January 19, 2021

Why Balkan Countries Are Refusing To Be Immunized?

Balkan Countries: The Southeastern European nations are seemingly skeptical over the vaccine candidates doing round in the markets.  Some critics… Read More

January 18, 2021

Who Is Going To Fit Into Angela Merkel’s Shoes?

Angela Merkel: It is not going to be easy to step into Angela Merkel’s shoes, who decided in 2018 itself… Read More

January 15, 2021

Mutated Virus Strains NHS Scares EU Bloc Again

NHS Scares EU Bloc: As the UK becomes one of the first countries in Europe to undertake a massive Covid-19… Read More

January 12, 2021

After China allows entry to its research team, WHO wary of any concrete conclusions into Covid-19 origins and whereabouts

Covid-19 origins and whereabouts: After almost a year full of denials and negotiations, China authorized visit of WHO’s research expert… Read More

January 12, 2021

EU regulator authorises Moderna Covid-19 vaccine

Moderna Covid-19 vaccine: On Wednesday, European Union regulator authorised the use of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for the bloc. It is… Read More

January 7, 2021

What Has Kept Netherlands From Corona Vaccine Inoculation Drive?

Corona Vaccine Inoculation Drive: Netherlands’ healthcare system is so gripped in bureaucracy that it is finding it difficult to justify… Read More

January 6, 2021

China blocks WHO research team entry to study SARS-CoV-2 virus origin

China blocks WHO research: WHO stands shocked as its team has been blocked from entering China to investigate origin of… Read More

January 6, 2021

In Japan, Shinzo Abe’s scandal can negatively impact Suga

Shinzo Abe's scandal: Shinzo Abe's involvement in Cherry blossom scandal can threaten Yoshihide Suga's political career Japan's former Prime Minister… Read More

January 1, 2021

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