Middle East & Africa

Ethiopian war further escalates as Government orders consecutive airstrikes

Ethiopia -WIth the current series of events in Ethiopia, there is no immediates solution available for the war escalation between… Read More

October 21, 2021

CENTCOM Commander General thanks UAE for its efforts to evacuate Afghan people

Afghan -The Commander general of CENTCOM Frank McKenzie talked to the leadership of the United Arab Emirates recently where the… Read More

October 20, 2021

Syrian Govt, opposition drafting constitutional reforms

Syria's government and opposition have started drafting constitutional reforms, a significant step after nine months of talks and several fruitless… Read More

October 18, 2021

Bread Shortage seen in Sudan due to Mass Protest

Sudan -Protests on the main road to Sudan have caused critical food problems, leading to a shortage of bread. People… Read More

October 15, 2021

Plan B On Cards With Iran: Washington Israel Decide

Washington - The United States and Israel has decided to come up with a Plan B in case of Iran… Read More

October 14, 2021

Facebook Shuts Down Sudanese And Iranian Propaganda Fake Accounts

Sudan - In their September 2021 Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior Report, Facebook has declared there are some Sudanese and Iranian accounts… Read More

October 13, 2021

UAE leads by example as it set out to help Afghanistan in crisis. What can other nations learn?

UAE - The United Arab Emirates has set a new example when it comes to helping neighbouring nations in their… Read More

October 11, 2021

Catastrophe in Libya as 5000 migrants captured in a Single week kept under inhumane conditions

Libya - Past one week has seen catastrophe in Libya to the extreme with 5000 migrants being detained by authorities… Read More

October 9, 2021

How Western powers have failed Yemen

Yemen - Members of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) have voted against a resolution that was led by… Read More

October 8, 2021

Jordon Supports Lebanon Through Syrian Energy Trade

Lebanon - Despite its own reeling energy crises, Syria has held out a helping hand to Jordon. And on a… Read More

October 7, 2021

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