Middle East & Africa

Biden’s foreign policies in the same trajectory as Trump when it comes to Iran, says Hossein Dehghan

Hossein Dehghan, Iran’s only presidential candidate for the upcoming June election, has accused US President Joe Biden of following similar… Read More

February 12, 2021

Lebanese Women Subjugation Alarmingly High In Pandemic Recovery Period

The rate of crime against women is at an all-time high in Lebanon. Cases of domestic violence have increased manifold… Read More

February 11, 2021

UAE Hope Probe successfully enters Mars orbit

Emirates as its Hope spacecraft, which was launched from Earth seven months ago, was about to enter Mars’ orbit. Emirates… Read More

February 10, 2021

Nuclear deal deadlock: Biden & Khamenei stand firm, US to lift sanctions only if Iran complies with JCPOA

Tehran and Washington are not changing their ground on the 2015 nuclear deal.  US President Joe Biden has drawn a… Read More

February 8, 2021

Arab Nations welcomes the new Libyan interim government

Arab Nations have welcomed the agreement of Libya's new interim government that was declared by the United Nations Mission to… Read More

February 6, 2021

UAE welcomes Lenderking’s appointment as US envoy for Yemen, urge all sides to maintain political decorum

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden, appointed Timothy Lenderking as the US special envoy for Yemen in a bid to… Read More

February 5, 2021

How Dubai Is Desperate To Get Back To Tourism Normal

Dubai has geared up for its own vaccination drive. The Emirate has faced its worst spread since the outbreak.  It… Read More

February 4, 2021

South Korean captured tanker crew allowed to leave by Iran

Over a month ago Iran had seized a South Korean tanker in the Gulf. Now the Iranian authorities have agreed… Read More

February 3, 2021

Trans-African Highway network project in Egypt will link 9 African nations

The Trans-African Highway network includes cross-country highway projects in Africa that propose to advance trade and irradicate poverty in Africa… Read More

February 2, 2021

Why Egypt Is Investing In Air Combat Strategies?

Aiming toward building bilateral capabilities, Egypt and France have decided to launch joint-air exercises.  There are confirmed reports of the… Read More

February 1, 2021

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