UN Chief praises South Korea for tracking down corona and restricting the spread

May 1, 2020

On Thursday, South Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated in an announcement that in the past 24 hours,… Read More

Global defence spending hits $1.92 trillion in 2019; US, China top spenders

May 1, 2020

Global defence saw the biggest spike in its spending in the year 2019, according to a report released by the… Read More

Gaza doctors trained by Israeli teams to combat coronavirus

May 1, 2020

Also Hamas, the Palestinian political and paramilitary organization officially considered a terrorist organization by some nations, has allowed medical teams… Read More

EU puts its guard up against China; tightens restrictions over foreign acquisitions

May 1, 2020

The novel coronavirus not only attacked Europe’s health systems but also crumbled its economy, making its assets value take a… Read More

Why does Syria continue to lose medical assistance amidst corona spread?

April 30, 2020

Reports continue to pour from Syria; they are not anything positive. It is not reporting about the pandemic but the… Read More

Russiagate: New FBI documents raise doubts about Michael Flynns trial

April 30, 2020

The US federal judge for the District of Columbia, Emmet G. Sullivan, has revealed new documents from the Federal Bureau… Read More

What if the lockdown is released too early? The case of Hokkaido

April 29, 2020

For Hokkaido, one of the four major islands of norther Japan, the so called "phase 2" of the new coronavirus… Read More

Trump invokes executive order for meat production at the expense of worker safety

April 29, 2020

Some countries are safely moving away from meat consumption. The Chinese consumer has started correlating meat with virus. They have… Read More

Brazil interested in opening economy while virus spreads dangerously

April 28, 2020

Brazil might be in for a huge surprise as its corona virus death toll reaches 4500 and cases of infection… Read More

Strategizing its maritime security post-Brexit should be UKs top priority

April 28, 2020

From a decelerated economy to trading norms, Brexit has had a profound impact on the relations between the United Kingdom… Read More

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