USA and Europe reject China’s Hong Kong move

May 23, 2020

On 21 May, a spokesperson for China’s National People’s Congress announced that the upcoming NPC session will deliberate on a… Read More

Egypt’s doctors are fighting the coronavirus on several fronts

May 23, 2020

Egyptian doctors are seeing increasing COVID-19 infections amongst them even as the government falls short on ensuring their safety. As… Read More

Venezuela-US standoff: Venezuelan Navy will escort Iranian tanker

May 23, 2020

The Venezuelan government recently announced that it's Navy and Air Force would escort Iranian tankers, in what can be described… Read More

Unemployment in the US surpasses that during the Great Recession

May 22, 2020

Figures indicated that almost 1 in 4 of all working Americans have now filed for unemployment benefits. Even as the… Read More

AstraZeneca Funded By America For Mass Production Of Covid-19 Vaccine

May 22, 2020

An Anglo-Swedish company has received a whopping order of 400 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine that is still in… Read More

COVID-19, latest measures adopted by EU

May 22, 2020

Citizens around the world are worried. For their health, for their families, for their jobs, due to coronavirus. The pandemic… Read More

Chinese troops are increasingly transgressing into Indian territories: Report

May 22, 2020

Tension has been building up between India and China over recent intrusion by the Chinese army into Indian territory. According… Read More

How anxious children in Spain and Italy can teach us something about prolonged lockdown damage

May 21, 2020

In the lockdown situation worldwide, a UNICEF report has warned against long term emotional and psychological damage that it would… Read More

Pope Francis also against Israel’s annexations of the West Bank

May 21, 2020

Palestinians asked the Vatican for help after Israel announced a few days ago that it would annex parts of the… Read More

Hydroxychloroquine – A preventive drug for Coronavirus? Fact Check!

May 21, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine Coronavirus treatment is give by the doctors in USA since the President Donald Trump is Taking Hydroxychloroquine to prevent… Read More

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