
What Companies are working on a vaccine for covid-19 in US?

In the United States, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), which is a division of the Department of… Read More

March 10, 2020

Twitter Earmarks Biden Social Media Video As Manipulated

Social media giant Twitter has earmarked a Joe Biden’s edited video as ‘manipulated’ for the first time in the history… Read More

March 9, 2020

Brazil and USA sign an agreement on military cooperation and defense

On Sunday, during his visit to South American headquarters, the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro signed a defense agreement with the… Read More

March 9, 2020

How Trump Adds On More To His Band Of Boys At Capitol Hill

Like most news bits which come when Trump calls it a day, most of his replacement news is usually spilled… Read More

March 9, 2020

US blocks UN Security Council declaration on Russia-Turkey agreement

The United States opposed the adoption of a general statement by the UN Security Council for the press in support… Read More

March 7, 2020

Trump Shifts Blame Of Coronavirus Mismanagement On Predecessor

Having found himself in a precarious situation, Mr. Donald Trump has felt safe to put the blame of shortage of… Read More

March 7, 2020

Maduro Gives Hurtful Advice When Country Has Nothing To Feed Its Children

It is like going back to stone age, where a woman was considered fit only if she could procreate. Speaking… Read More

March 6, 2020

Columbia Promises America To Aerial Destroy Cocaine Crop

Despite many checks and balances in place, cocaine production and consumption has been escalating over the years between Columbia and… Read More

March 6, 2020

Burning failure for Bloomberg, despite his war gains.

Bloomberg only lasted 101 days and spent more than $ 550 million on advertising, a historic record for a political… Read More

March 6, 2020

American Military Linguist Caught In Espionage Net

It has been confirmed that a linguist seemed to have done an insider’s job when she provided classified information to… Read More

March 5, 2020

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