
How the Covid Recovery Stimulus Package is missing out Low Income Families

Despite the CARES act passed in March 2020, a chunk of American people have still not received their stimulus package.… Read More

September 22, 2020

Demise of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has led to a fierce power play between GOP and Democrats

The legendary Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a liberal and legal legend passed away on Friday, September 18 2020… Read More

September 21, 2020

FBI warns against Russian interference in US elections

Speaking at a House committee, FBI chief said, in addition to the threat of domestic extremism, there were active efforts… Read More

September 19, 2020

USA 2020 Rasmussen poll: Trump ahead of Biden, even the economy is better

The American Fed revised its 2020 US GDP estimates upwards this evening. While in June, due to COVID, the central… Read More

September 17, 2020

US Presidential Elections 2020: Stable yet volatile – Analysis of countdown to November

Donald Trump’s presidency has not been anything less than a rollercoaster ride. The disruption and turmoil that was witnessed in… Read More

September 16, 2020

Why Trump has suddenly retracted from Oil Digging Projects at Home?

The American president Donald Trump has suddenly retracted from his previous commitment of allowing drilling activity in on parts of… Read More

September 14, 2020

A new report explains how South America improves oil production costs

One of the factors that helped Brazil to cut the opex is Petrobras, which has replaced its fleet of floating… Read More

September 12, 2020

Trump and Kim’s nuclear relationship of friendship, love and distrust

The world is very well aware of US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un’s love-hate relationship. Well… Read More

September 12, 2020

US – Japan alliance: an uphill marriage

Shinzo Abe has left the scene. His party, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), the majority one, ruling in coalition with… Read More

September 10, 2020

United States leader in the world economy without China, the Trump idea

The United States President Donald Trump, in the middle of the electoral campaign, spoke again about China and the project… Read More

September 9, 2020

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