
Justin Trudeau Expresses Comfort In Biden Leadership

In a less explicit but candid way, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau expressed his dissatisfaction to the newly chaired American President… Read More

February 25, 2021

Fresh blow to Trump: Supreme Court permits tax returns to release to NY Prosecutor

In a fresh blow to former President Donald Trump, the Supreme Court has ordered the release of his tax returns… Read More

February 23, 2021

Merrick Garland Might Be America’s Next Attorney General

It looks like Judge Merrick Garland is going to be chosen to do the difficult job of manning the Attorney… Read More

February 22, 2021

New York, Governor Cuomo again in trouble. FBI investigates data on Covid deaths in nursing homes

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo is again in the eye of the storm for the coronavirus crisis management. State… Read More

February 20, 2021

Amid human rights crisis & COVID disaster Nicaragua faces criticism over space agency launch

Nicaragua is at the center of global criticism over the formation of a national space agency even as the country… Read More

February 19, 2021

Fake Vaccines Doing Rounds In Countries

Earlier it was a rush for the right vaccine candidate, but now there are fake vaccines also doing rounds. In… Read More

February 18, 2021

“We have seen nothing like this,” an extraordinary cold wave already caused 20 victims in the US

A wave of very violent frost accompanied by violent rain hit the United States with serious consequences. It is one… Read More

February 17, 2021

What will a $300 child benefit in the US equalize to?

The United States in Biden's presidency is planning something that has never been done in America – providing child benefit of… Read More

February 16, 2021

Canada Spearheads Fair Representation Of Foreign Nationals Abroad

Canada is going all out to protect the interest of foreign nationals. In a recent ruling, it along with another… Read More

February 15, 2021

Biden takes action: the US to allow entry of Mexico asylum seekers

Taking action over burning issue of immigration in the United States, President Joe Biden and his administration have announced on… Read More

February 13, 2021

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